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Thoughts of A Millennial Black Blogger

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Do It For Lil' Saint in 2020!

Updated: Aug 5, 2020

There are seven days left in 2019 and I have to admit it has been one unpredictable ride! Amidst all the ghetto antics of being 20-something in a city like Atlanta, it has been a year of welcomed growth. As someone that always has a plan for the future, I began this year with no intentions or expectations set.

I have felt directionless for more time than I would like to admit, but something about 2019 turned into a scavenger hunt of divine gems back to the path of my purpose. Tired of all the tears shed in 2018, I decided I would listen more to the universe, trust the process, and be kind to my body as I work through this "grown woman weight."

Along the way, I have become reassured of the things that are most valuable to me: genuine, meaningful connections (whether it be with friends or family), transparency, and self-love. The energy I share with others is a privilege and bad vibes come in familiar shapes to drain you of positivity. I discontinued contact with anyone that may resemble such and it allowed for new shapes of good to form around. Transparency is something that I have been able to embody with ease. Our reputations are like our credit—multiple factors contribute to the fluctuation, but ultimately you are the only person responsible for it. Walk in your truth no matter how painful it may seem. You never know who is inspired by your journey enough to continue on theirs. Now it should also be said that there are individuals that will try to use your candor to hurt you. However, the beauty of owning your truths and knowing yourself means no weapon formed against you will prosper.

Finally, there is self-love. This year I figured out what I need most to love myself. I call 2019 my year of "no". From not always making myself available to others to going to bed at 8 p.m. if it means missing a night out with friends. I simply was unable to can. It is not selfish to listen to your body and take it slow. If your circle cannot understand the importance of free will then it's time to scroll back a few weeks and read my post about friends because that may not be the crew for you. Self-love for me also means paying attention to how people engage with you and taking a step back to process what their behaviors are really telling you. I can come on strong 87% (probably more like 92%) of the time and realize I may be hurting myself by doing a nose dive into the affairs of others. I cannot be the savior for others before they realize if they even want to be saved. Sometimes it is better to just listen and allow for them to come to a conclusion without your contribution. My self-love includes making a concerted effort towards self-care. I affirm myself positively at least once a day, craft, and organize spaces (just call me Marie Kondo), and starting this blog. It may not seem like much, but these small splendors of self-love are quintessential in staying motivated.


For 2020, I'm making a list and checking it twice! I want to put my intentions into the universe and speak life over them. I will do more that brings me joy such as going to the movies or concerts and taking more trips to the beach. Not making these requests a priority was difficult this year and I definitely felt a void. While on the topic of voids, one that has been heavy on my heart this year especially is my career. I have had the privilege to be lead by two strong women in leadership and had the freedom and support to grow as a young professional. I now desire change and will take the leap to leave Atlanta and continue this growth somewhere new. 2020 smells like new blessings so I'm open to receiving it. I will admit I am a little scared about the greatness manifesting, but you cannot worry and have faith so here's to the bless up! Thank you to the Universe in advance for this season of growth and prosperity.

Thank you for reading this week!

xo Mia Shantel


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